


Intensive course: Academic English for Researchers

Intensive course: Academic English for Researchers

2015.12.28 15:00
Date: March 7 - 18, 2016  Time: Mon-Fri, 9:30-16:00
Life Sciences Project Research Laboratory (Katahira Campus)
Asako Sugimoto (asugimoto(at)m.tohoku.ac.jp)

An intensive course "Academic English for Researchers" will be held in March 2016.This two-week course will be given by two lecturers of English Language Teaching Unit, University of Leicester.

<Intensive course: Academic English for Researchers>
Sponsors: Graduate School of Life Sciences, School of Medicine, The Tohoku Forum for Creativity

Enrollment limit: 10 participants

Who can apply: Graduate students, postodocs, and young faculties of Graduate School of Life Sciences or School of Medicine, Tohoku University; Non-native English speakers

1) Have sufficient English skills to participate in the English-only course, and to complete tasks such as writing a paper draft and poster presentation
2) Attend every session each day for two weeks

-This course is designed for researchers working in medical and life sciences wishing to develop their academic English.
-There will be a mixture of lectures, workshops, and independent study.
-Participants will complete and receive constructive feedback from tutors on tasks such as writing a paper/proposal and a poster presentation.

Poster PDF

How to apply: Submit the on-line application form.
Application deadline: January 22, 2016

Note: Application should be approved by the supervisor.