
Molecular and Chemical Life Science :
Molecular and Network Genomics


Plant Molecular Genetics

Plant Molecular Genetics

Plants have various forms of flowers depending on the species. What genetic factors contribute to this floral diversity? In our lab, we aim to uncover the genes responsible for floral organogenesis, elucidate their expression patterns and functions, and gain insights into how floral diversity has evolved at the molecular level across plant species.
 (1) Molecular mechanism of floral architecture in orchid plants.
 (2) Molecular mechanism and evolution of sex determination in asparagus and related species.

Research Overview

(1) Molecular mechanism of floral architecture in orchid plants.
Orchids exhibit remarkable diversity in floral organ morphologies, particularly in structures such as the lip, located at the center of the flower, which vary significantly among species. We are currently analyzing the genes underlying floral organogenesis to elucidate the molecular mechanism of lip formation in orchids.
(2) Molecular mechanism and evolution of sex determination in asparagus and related species.
Asparagus is a dioecious plant characterized by separate male and female individuals. Recently, our laboratory successfully isolated key sex determination genes in asparagus. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of the sex determination, we are analyzing the expression patterns and function of the sex determination genes of asparagus. Given that dioecy in asparagus has evolved from hermaphrodite ancestors, we are investigating the evolutionary mechanism underpinning this transition within the genus Asparagus.

Faculty Members

Associate Professor KANNO Akira
  • Molecular mechanism of sex differentiation in the dioecious plant asparagus.
  • Molecular mechanism of floral organ development in Liliaceae and Orchidaceae plants.