
Molecular and Chemical Life Science :
Molecular and Network Genomics


Professor WATANABE Masao
Campus Katahira campus
Laboratory Plant Reproductive System
Tel +81-22-217-5681
E-mail nabe@ige.tohoku.ac.jp
Website http://www.ige.tohoku.ac.jp/prg/watanabe/
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Researcher ID


I was born in Imabari city, Ehime Prefecture. It is a towel-making and shipbuilding town located at the entrance on the Shikoku side of the Honshu-Shikoku Bridge, Imabari-Onomichi route. It might recently be most famous for Bary-san, the local mascot. I entered the Faculty of Agriculture at Tohoku University in 1984 and, after serving as an Assistant Professor, later lived in Sendai for 13 years. After seven years in Morioka, Iwate University, as an Associate Professor, I returned to Tohoku University, Sendai, as full Professor in April 2005, and am now entering my 30th year here. During this time conducting University research, I have consistently researched plant reproduction, particularly the identification, isolation, and interaction of the male and female S determinants regulating self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassica species, and have published papers in international scientific journals such as Nature and Science. 
The name of the laboratory was changed to "Plant Molecular Breeding" in the reorganization of Graduate School in 2017, but with the independence of the associate professor, the laboratory was renamed "Plant Reproductive Systems" in April 2024, returning to its roots of studying "reproductive traits in plants". 
Plants have thrived on earth using strategies for growth and reproduction adapted to their environment.  The important organ in reproductive strategy is "hermaphrodite" having female pistil and male stamen in a single flower.  Hermaphrodites are capable of self-fertilization, which ensures that the next generation can reproduce on its own, as well as reproduction through crossbreeding with other individuals, which allows for the maintenance of genetic diversity.  During the evolutionary process, plants have established several reproductive systems suited to their environment by adjusting the balance between selfing and outcrossing in "hermaphrodites" through changes in the structure of reproductive organs and signal transduction systems at the molecular level.  As a result, a highly diverted variety of reproductive systems, such as self-incompatibility, dichogamy, and dioecy, which promote out crossing is established.
Focusing on self-incompatibility, one of the plant reproductive systems, in our laboratory, we will elucidate the molecular mechanisms controlling selfing and outcrossing in plants with genetic and physiological methods, thereby deepening the comprehensive understanding of plant reproductive strategies.
The interesting functional molecules (small peptides, receptor-type kinases, small RNAs, etc.) that we have discovered in our research on "self-incompatibility in cruciferous plants" have been shown to function in plant growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis, and we believe that they are also relevant to "adaptation" to the environment, a unique "response" of plants that are unable to move. We will clarify these mechanisms through joint research with borderline fields such as bioinformatics, structural biology, biochemistry, and organic chemistry, as well as engineering, social sciences, and humanities, which have been difficult to integrate, and clarify the molecular reality of the "essence of hermaphrodite flowers," "self-incompatibility in cruciferous plants," "pollination in plants," etc. that enable self-fertilization and cross-pollination. We hope to create a laboratory that aims to develop human resources with interdisciplinary concepts.
If you are interested in understanding the fundamentals of "life" using plants as materials, and in developing interdisciplinary research on a global level, please visit our laboratory. You will see a different image of "plants" in our laboratory. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Apr. 1991 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University (employed)
Jun. 1996 Collaborative Researcher, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University (joint appointment)
Feb. 1997 Collaborative Researcher, National Institute of Genetics (joint appointment)
Dec. 1997 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University (promotion)
Apr. 2001 Received 11th Nikkei Business Publications Technology Award Grand Prize
Sep. 2002 Part-time Lecturer, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University (joint appointment)
Nov. 2002 Received 11th Japan Prize in Agricultural Sciences Achievement Award for Young Scientists
Apr. 2005 Professor, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University (promotion)
Apr. 2005 Specially Appointed Professor, 21st Century COE Program, Iwate University
Jun. 2007 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo (joint appointment)
Apr. 2009 Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University (joint appointment)
Apr. 2009 Sub-chairman, Super Science High school Committee Member, Kinkowan Senior High School (joint appointment)
May 2010 School Councilor, Nanakita Elementary School (joint appointment)
May 2010 Sub-chairman, Super Science High school Committee Member, Sendai Daisan Senior High School (joint appointment)
Mar. 2009 Received 7th JSPS Prize
Apr. 2011 Super Science High school Committee Member, Kanonji Daiichi High School (joint appointment)
Apr. 2011 Super Science High school Committee Member, Morioka Daisan High School (joint appointment)
Apr. 2012 Chairman, Super Science High school Committee Member, Fukushima High School (joint appointment)
Oct. 2012 Received 122nd Japan Society of Breeding Lecturer Excellence Prize
Mar. 2013 Received Tohoku University President’s Education Award (Joint Program for the Exploring Germination and Growth Program for Young Scientists Organizing committee)
Apr. 2013 Received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Spots, Science, and Technology (Prize for Science and Technology, Public Understanding Promotion Category)
Sep. 2014 Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School of Biorecources, Mie University (joint appointment)
Jun. 2015 Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School of Bioargicultural Sciences, Nagoya University (joint appointment)
Apr. 2016 Collaborative Researcher, Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, RIKEN (joint appointment)
Apr. 2016 School Councilor, Katahiracho Elementary School (joint appointment)
Dec. 2017 Received 132nd Japan Society of Breeding Lecturer Excellence Prize
Jan. 2018 Received Tohoku University General Education Contribution Award
Jan. 2018 The Educational terms of Genetics Reviewing Committee Member, The Genetics Society of Japan (joint appointment)
Apr. 2018 Received Tohoku University President's Education Award
May 2020 Part-time Lecturer, Tohoku University of Art & Design (joint appointment)
Dec. 2020 Part-time Lecturer, Osaka Kyoiku University (joint appointment)
Mar. 2021 Received Tohoku University General Education Contribution Award
Oct. 2022 Received Mitsubishi Future Development Foundation Award (Joint Program for the Exploring Germination and Growth Program for Young Scientists Organizing committee)
Apr. 2023 Senior Program Officer, Research Center for Science Systems, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Selected Publications
  1. Suzuki et al. (1999) Genomic organization of the S locus: Identification and characterization of genes in SLG/SRK region of an S9 haplotype of Brassica campestris (syn. rapa). Genetics 153: 391-400.
  2. Takasaki et al. (2000) SRK determines the S specificity of stigma in self-incompatible Brassica. Nature 403: 913-916.
  3. Takayama et al. (2000) The pollen determinant of self-incompatibility in Brassica campestris. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 1920-1925.
  4. Watanabe et al. (2000) Highly divergent sequences of the pollen self-incompatibility (S) gene in class-I S haplotypes of Brassica campestris (syn. rapa) L. FEBS Lett. 473: 139-144.
  5. Hatakeyama et al. (2001) The S receptor kinase gene determines dominance relationships in stigma expression of self-incompatibility in Brassica. Plant J. 26: 69-76.
  6. Takayama et al. (2001) Direct ligand-receptor complex interaction controls Brassica self-incompatibility. Nature 413: 534-538.
  7. Murase et al. (2004) A membrane-anchored protein kinase involved in Brassica self-incompatibility signaling. Science 303: 1516-1519.
  8. Endo et al. (2004) Identification and molecular characterization of novel anther-specific genes in japonica rice, Oryza sativa L. by using cDNA microarray. Genes Genet. Syst. 79: 213-226.
  9. Shiba et al. (2006) Dominance relationships between self-incompatibility alleles controlled by DNA methylation. Nature Genet., 38: 297-299.
  10. Tsuchimatsu et al. (2010) Evolution of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis by a mutation in the male specificity gene. Nature 464: 1342-1346.
  11. Tarutani et al. (2010) Trans-acting small RNA determines dominance relationships in Brassica self-incompatibility. Nature 466: 983-986.
  12. Watanabe et al. (2012) Molecular genetics, physiology and biology of self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae. Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B. 88: 519-535.
  13. Osaka et al. (2013) Cell type-specific transcriptome of Brassicaceae stigmatic papilla cells from a combination of laser microdissection and RNA sequencing. Plant Cell Physiol. 54: 1894-1904. (Research Highlight selected, Cover Photo selected)
  14. Hiroi et al. (2013) Time-lapse imaging of self- and cross-pollination in Brassica rapa L. Annals Bot. 112: 115-122.
  15. Yasuda et al. (2016) Complex dominance hierarchy is controlled by polymorphism of small RNAs and their targets. Nature Plants 3: 16206.
  16. Takada et al. (2017) Duplicated pollen-pistil recognition loci control intraspecific unilateral incompatibility in Brassica rapa. Nature Plants, 3: 17096.
  17. Murase et al. (2020) Mechanism of self/nonself-discrimination in Brassica self-incompatibility. Nature Commun. 11: 4916.
  18. Yew et al. (2023) Small RNA-regulated dominance among polyploid subgenomes supports Haldane's sieve in evolution of self-compatibility. Nature Commun. 14: 7618.
Activities in Academic Societies
The Japanese Society of Breeding, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, The Genetics Society of Japan, Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Academic writing on the middle class (First year students, School of General Education), Academic theory seminar (First year students, School of General Education), Advanced course of Molecular and Chemical Biological Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced course of Molecular and Chemical Biological Sciences II (Graduate School), A series of Lecture of Ecology (Graduate School)

Recent Activities

In higher plants, during pollen-stigma interactions, self and non-self-pollen recognition should occur on the stigma papilla cells. As a result of this reaction, self-pollen is rejected on the stigma and/or in the style, and non-self-pollen succeeds in fertilization. This phenomenon is called SI, and is an important mechanism for repressing inbreeding depression. Although this phenomenon has been known since before the time of Darwin, it became famous after Darwin published the results of a survey into the amazing abilities of plants in several publications. Through classical genetic analysis, SI recognition reaction was shown to be controlled by a single S locus, with multiple alleles (Watanabe et al., 2012).
SI in Brassica species is sporophytically controlled by a single locus, S, with multiple alleles. Through over 20 years research, we have discovered that the small peptide, SP11, was the male S determinant (SP11; Suzuki et al., 1999: Takayama et al., 2000; Watanabe et al., 2000) and the receptor kinase, SRK, was the female S determinant (SRK; Takasaki et al. 2000); that SP11-SRK interaction in an S-allele-specific manner induced auto-phosphorylation, and that the self-signal was transduced into the stigma (Takayama et al., 2001, Murase et al. 2020). Furthermore, we established SI in Arabidopsis thaliana by SP11 gene inversion (Tsuchimatsu et al. 2010).
As an interesting characteristic of SI in Brassica species, because S gene functions sporophytically, is the dominance relationship between S alleles that occurs in the S heterozygote. SRK itself was shown to determine the dominance relationship at the stigma side (Hatakeyama et al., 2001). In contrast, the dominance relationship at the pollen side was shown to be regulated by recessive allele specific methylation by small RNAs at the promoter region of SP11 (Shiba et al. 2006, Tarutani et al. 2010, Yasuda et al. 2016). In addition of these experiments, It was also showed that the tendency for diploid species to be self-incompatible, and amphidiploid species to be self-compatible.  This reason is epigenetically regulation between different genomes of amphidiploid (Yew et al. 2023).
In the course of this series of self-incompatibility studies, we discovered a novel phenomenon of unilateral incompatibility between different populations, Turkey and Japan, which is controlled by a gene independent of the self-incompatibility locus. We showed that this phenomenon is due to a novel gain of function caused by gene duplication of the S locus on different chromosomes and functional differentiation, and may also be related to speciation (Takada et al. 2017).
In the future, we would like to determine SRK downstream factors such as MLPK (Murase et al., 2004), new incompatibility factors. Furthermore, through the integration of the expression profiles of pollen-, tapetum-, and papilla cell specific genes, new molecules involved in the pollen-stigma interaction should be identified and characterized. Recently, a time-lapse method for observing pollen behavior on the papilla cells was also established (Hiroi, Sone, et al., 2013). Integrating these series of studies, I hope to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the plant reproductive systems, and construct a new image of the "plant reproductive systems"

Message to Students

Although it is not my personal motto, one of my favorite phrases is, "Endure the humiliation of today for tomorrow," spoken by the Admiral Juzo Okita, the first captain of the Space Battleship Yamato. I believe human beings can persevere because no matter how difficult "today" is, the future that is "tomorrow" will come. I believe that I have been able to publish papers in international journals such as Nature and Science by establishing the goal of striving today to create the fantastic future of tomorrow and enduring the difficulties of everyday activities. Of course, my feelings of gratitude are unceasing towards the many supervisors who supported my education and research together, collaborative researchers, students, part-jobs, etc. Allow me to borrow this space and offer my sincere thanks to all of them. Thank you very much for your helpful kindness.
Recently I have performed over 1,200 outreach activities for students from elementary school to high school, and have written individual responses to over 41,000 letters I received from the students. Through this, I have provided education on the wonders of life than surround us every day and it is my hope to provide consistent education from elementary school up to graduate school. I am looking forward to being able to work once again with the students who attend my lectures.