Obtained Ph.D. in physics from University of Tsukuba on 2016. After receiving Ph.D., I was working as a postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto University on 2016-2020 and QST (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) on 2020-2023. From 2023, I joined IMRAM of our university as an assistant professor.
Selected Publications
- M. Taguchi, R. Oyama, M. Kaneso, and S. Hayashi, ”Hybrid QM/MM free energy evaluation of drug-resistant mutational effect on binding of an inhibitor Indinavir to HIV-1 protease”, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 62, 1328 (2022).
- A. Kumar, J. Chan, M. Taguchi, and H. Kono, “Interplay among transacting factors around promoter in the initial phases of transcription”, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 71, 7-15 (2021).
- A. E. Svetogorov, M. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, D. M. Basko, and F. W. Hekking, “Theory of coherent quantum phase slips in Josephson junction chains with periodic spatial modulations”, Physical Review B 97, 104514-104527 (2018).
- M. Taguchi, S. Nakajima, T. Kubo, and Y. Tokura, ”Quantum adiabatic pumping with tunneling phase in quantum dot system”, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 85, 084704-084712 (2016).
- M. Taguchi, D. M. Basko, and F. W. J. Hekking, “Mode engineering with a one-dimensional superconducting metamaterial”, Physical Review B 92, 024507-024519 (2015).