Voices from Graduates and Current Students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences
・In the first year of my master's program, I was able to attend lectures of other departments as a required part of the program, which was a great learning experience. I also had many opportunities to talk with people in the same building, which made it easy for me to enjoy my student life as an external student and also helped me to learn a lot. (M2)
・I had the opportunity to focus on my research and to report the obtained results at domestic and international conferences, which made my time as a researcher very productive. Besides that, I also had a lot of fun memories such as softball tournaments and Imoni parties (*Imoni is a Japanese traditional soup from Tohoku area). (MC graduate)
・It was a difficult time right after the earthquake, but I was impressed by the powerful research everyone was engaged in. (MC graduate)
・The following three points are my impressions: (1) I came from another university, but with the guidance and follow-up I received, I was able to study as much as I wanted and graduate. (2) I am now using the specialized knowledge and information I learned at graduate school, such as how to read research papers, in my work. (3) I am still in touch with the people I met at the graduate school after graduation. (MC graduate)
・The greenhouse, artificial weather chamber, and other facilities provide an environment for year-round plant growth. The laboratory has an at-home atmosphere, where you can easily communicate with the professors and other staff members. There were many events outside of research, such as drinking parties, and I feel that my student life was very fulfilling. (MC graduate)