


A new mechanism that protects cells against physical stress:Captured by direct molecular viewing of mechanically-evoked disassembly and regeneration of cytoskeletal filaments.

A new mechanism that protects cells against physical stress:Captured by direct molecular viewing of mechanically-evoked disassembly and regeneration of cytoskeletal filaments.

2013.03.15 19:19

[Summary] A group led by Professor Naoki Watanabe of the Graduate School of Life Sciences at Tohoku University discovered a mechanism, by which physically-stressed cells rapidly regenerates actin cytoskeletal filaments, using live-cell single-molecule imaging under ultra-sensitive microscopes. This study has elucidated the mechanotransduction machinery of the cells, which are different from the previously known mechanotransduction mechanisms.

The research results have been published in the online edition of Nature Cell Biology on March 3. The paper's title is "F- and G-actin homeostasis regulates mechanosensitive actin nucleation by formins."

Professor Naoki Watanabe
Graduate School of Life Science, Tohoku University
TEL: +81-22-795-6692
E-mail: nwatanabe*m.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)

Assistant Professor Tai Kiuchi
Graduate School of Life Science, Tohoku University
TEL: +81-22-795-6693
E-mail: tai.kiuchi*m.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)