(English follows Japanese)
「1.出願申請確認フォーム(Googleform, ネット環境等の登録)」
1.出願申請確認フォーム(Googleform, ネット環境等の登録)
※学生募集要項 https://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/admission/schedule/
①募集要項のとおり、まず TAOで「出願者登録」を行い、
次のTAO出願用URLを『アドレスバー /ロケーションバー』 へ貼り付け、移動
③出願用サイトが表示されるので、「 +出願を開始 」 してください。
TAOへの出願登録完了後、TAO出願状況が ” 出願済み ” となったか、確認してください。
【注意】 TAOへアップロードする出願書類のデータは、できるだけ3MBまでに収めてください。
( アップロード自体は 20MBまで可能です)
For those who plan to apply for the Entrance Examination to the Doctoral Degree Program (3-year course) (April 2025 Admission)
The URL for the TAO application (application registration site) and the URL for the application confirmation form announced in the student application guide are provided below. Please complete the registration for both URLs within the application period.
- The URL is different for each entrance examination. Please confirm the name of the entrance examination before registering.
- Application materials to be submitted by mail (or in person) should also be submitted by the deadline announced in the Application Guide.
1. Application Confirmation Form (Registration of environment during the Examination, etc.)
Googleforms https://forms.gle/6Ryk14psAZDVaycs7
2. TAO Application (Application Registration Site)
[Instructions for submitting your application]
According to the application guidelines,
(1) First, register as an applicant on TAO and log in.
(2) Paste the following URL into the address bar and go to the new page.
According to the application guidelines,
(1) First, register as an applicant on TAO and log in.
(2) Paste the following URL into the address bar and go to the new page.
(3) The application page will appear, so please click "Start Application".
After you have registered your application with TAO, please confirm that your TAO application status has changed to "Applied".
After you have registered your application with TAO, please confirm that your TAO application status has changed to "Applied".
[About the size of the application documents to be uploaded]
The size of the application documents to be uploaded should be as small as possible (approximately 3 MB). (It is possible to upload data up to 20 MB.)
The size of the application documents to be uploaded should be as small as possible (approximately 3 MB). (It is possible to upload data up to 20 MB.)
*Student Application Guide