生命科学研究科 学生各位
(English follows Japanese)
生命科学研究科WEBサイト「学生相談申請フォーム」 開設のお知らせ
※ これまでどおり直接相談員に連絡しても構いません!
※ 生命HP>在学生の方>キャンパスライフ に掲載しています。
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To all students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences,
'Announcement of the opening of the "Student Consultation Form" on the Graduate School of Life Sciences website'
Usually, the names of the counselors are posted on the Graduate School of Life Sciences website and in the Student Handbook. However, in order to create an environment in which students can easily have a consultation about their problems, the "Student Consultation Form" has been opened on the Graduate School of Life Sciences website.
The faculty member in charge of student counseling will contact you directly via email within a few days of your application.
If you have any concerns or queries about your student life on campus, please feel free to fill out this form.
Of course, you still may contact the counselor directly!
*The form is in Japanese, so please ask a friend or someone who understands Japanese to help you with this. As for the information you fill in and the problem you wish to discuss, you may write it in English.
Student Consultation Form
https://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac. jp/oncampus/campuslife/
You can find this form on our Japanese website > 在学生の方(For current students)>キャンパスライフ (Campus Life)
You can find this form on our Japanese website > 在学生の方(For current students)>キャンパスライフ (Campus Life)
Head of the Student Counseling Committee,
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
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東北大学大学院生命科学研究科 教務係
〒980-8577 仙台市青葉区片平二丁目1番1号
TEL 022-217-5706 / FAX 022-217-5704
TEL 022-217-5706 / FAX 022-217-5704
Academic Affairs Section,
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8577 JAPAN
TEL+81-22-217-5706 / FAX+81-22-217-5704