

For Int’l Students: Information about dormitories for international students・留学生向け宿舎の入居募集 (April 2025)

For Int’l Students: Information about dormitories for international students・留学生向け宿舎の入居募集 (April 2025)


-----Japanese (English follows Japanese)-----


  • 2025年4月現在、本学に在学する(在学見込みの者を含む)外国人留学生
※在学生(過去に学生寄宿舎に入居経験がある者を含む)も、学生寄宿舎への入居申請ができます。また、現在本学の学生寄宿舎に入居中の者で、2025年3月に入居期間満了となる場合も、再度申請ができます。ただし、選考においては新入生が優先されます。 特にUH青葉山は入居希望者が多いため、すでに入居中の方は、再申請しても許可されない場合があります。
・ 夫婦室は、毎年延長申請可能としていましたが、今後は入居6か月以内の方のみ延長申請可能とします。それ以外の方で、引き続き入居を希望する方は、新規で申請してください。選考においては、新入生が優先されますが、空きがあれば再度入居許可されます。
・ 家族室も、入居6か月以内の方のみ延長申請可能です。家族室は居室数が少なく、入居希望者は多いため、再度申請しても不許可となる確率が大変高いです。残りの在学期間が1年以上ある方は、再申請せずアパートを探し、入居期限までに引っ越しをお願いします。
  • 期間延長申請資格
(1) UH三条・三条Ⅱ・三条Ⅲ・第一会館・第二会館
① 2023年10月1日以降現在の居室に入居し、2025年3月14日まで許可されている者
② 2024年4月1日以降現在の居室に入居し、2025年3月14日まで許可されている者
③ 2024年10月1日以降現在の居室に入居し、2025年3月14日まで許可されている者
※ 学部研究生として入学し、大学院に進学する方は、在学期間が2年半となりますが、UH青葉山の入居期間は2年間となりますので、最後の6か月は民間アパートに入居していただくこととなります。ご了承の上、延長をお申込みください。
(3) UH長町、東仙台会館
※ 9月30日、3月31日までの入居ではありませんのでご注意ください。学位記授与式への出席または就職先への移動の場合のため末日まで仙台に滞在する場合は、ホテル等に宿泊する必要があります。


We are now accepting applications from international students wishing to reside in University House or International House for the academic year starting April 2025.
Please submit the required documents to the Academic Affairs Section of the Graduate School of Life Sciences by Friday, January 17, 2025 via email. For those who cannot meet the deadline, please feel free to contact us via email.

Application Guide, Dorm List, Access Map

New Applicants
Please complete the application form and email it to the Academic Affairs Section.
Note: Additional documents are required for applications for double or family rooms. Please refer to the application guidelines for details.
  • Eligibility: International students currently enrolled or planning to enroll at Tohoku University in April 2025.
*Current residents (including those with previous dormitory experience) may also apply. Please note, however, that new applicants will be given priority in the selection process, especially for UH Aobayama, which has a high demand for housing.

Important Notice Regarding Family and Double Rooms: Due to renovations of the International Houses, 33 rooms will be temporarily unavailable for student housing starting from October 2025. 
- Double Rooms: The current policy of allowing annual renewals for double rooms will be changed. Only those who have resided in a double room for six months or less will be eligible for renewal. For those who wish to continue residing in a double room beyond six months, a new application will be required. Please note that new applicants will be given priority.
- Family Rooms: Only those who have resided in a family room for six months or less will be eligible for renewal. Due to the limited number of family rooms and high demand, there is a high probability that renewal applications will not be approved. Residents with more than one year remaining in their program are advised to seek off-campus housing and vacate the dormitory by the end of their stay.

Renewal Applicants
Please fill out the required information and email it to the Academic Affairs Section.
  • Eligibility:
(1) [UH Sanjo, Sanjo II, III, IH Sanjo1,2]
Students who have moved into their current room on and after October 1, 2024 and have been granted permission to live there until March 14, 2025.
*Students may apply for a six-month extension (until Friday, September 12, 2025).
(2) [UH Aobayama]
- Students who have moved into their current room on and after October 1, 2023 and have been granted permission to live there until March 14, 2025.
*Students may request a six-month extension (until Friday, September 12, 2025).
- Students who moved into their current room on or after April 1, 2024 and were granted permission to live there until March 14, 2025.
*Students may request a one-year extension (until Friday, March 13, 2026).
- Students who moved into their current room on or after October 1, 2024 and were granted permission to live there until March 14, 2025.
*Students may request an extension of one and a half years (until Tuesday, September 15, 2026).
Note: If you are a research student entering graduate school in April 2025 or later, please be aware that you will need to live in an apartment for your last half year, as students can only live at UH Aobayama for a maximum of two years, even if your enrollment period is two and a half years.
(3) [UH Nagamachi, IH Higashi-Sendai]
Students who have been given permission to live in a dormitory until March 14, 2025.
* Students may apply for an extension of one year (until Friday, March 13, 2026).
Important Note: Please note that you can't apply for an extension until the end of September or March. If you plan to stay in Sendai until the end of March or September, you will need to find off-campus housing.