
脳生命統御科学専攻 :


福田 光則

教授 福田 光則
キャンパス 青葉山 キャンパス
所属研究室 膜輸送機構解析
連絡先 022-795-7731
E-mail nori@tohoku.ac.jp
ホームページ http://www.biology.tohoku.ac.jp/lab-www/fukuda_lab/home-ja.html http://www.ac.cyberhome.ne.jp/~fukuda/top_page.htm


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1990年 東北大学理学部生物学科卒業
1992年 東北大学大学院理学研究科生物学専攻修士課程修了
1996年 東京大学大学院医学系研究科第二基礎医学専攻博士課程修了
1998年 理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター発生神経生物研究チーム研究員
2002年 理化学研究所福田独立主幹研究ユニットユニットリーダー
2006年 東北大学大学院生命科学研究科教授。
  1. Nakashima, S., Matsui, T. and Fukuda, M. (2023) Vps9d1 regulates tubular endosome formation through specific activation of Rab22A. J. Cell Sci. 136, jcs260522
  2. Hiragi, S., Matsui, T., Sakamaki, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2022) TBC1D18 is a Rab5-GAP that coordinates endosome maturation together with Mon1. J. Cell Biol. 221, e202201114
  3. Matsui, T., Sakamaki, Y., Nakashima, S. and Fukuda, M. (2022) Rab39 and its effector UACA regulate basolateral exosome release from polarized epithelial cells. Cell Rep. 39, 110875
  4. Maruta, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2022) Large Rab GTPase Rab44 regulates microtubule-dependent retrograde melanosome transport in melanocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 298, 102508
  5. Hatoyama, Y., Homma, Y., Hiragi, S. and Fukuda, M. (2021) Establishment and analysis of conditional Rab1- and Rab5-knockout cells using the auxin-inducible degron system. J. Cell Sci. 134, jcs259184
  6. Matsui, T., Osaki, F., Hiragi, S., Sakamaki, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2021) ALIX and ceramide differentially control polarized small extracellular vesicle release from epithelial cells. EMBO Rep. 22, e51475
  7. Osaki, F., Matsui, T., Hiragi, S., Homma, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2021) RBD11, a bioengineered Rab11-binding module for visualizing and analyzing endogenous Rab11. J. Cell Sci. 134, jcs257311
  8. Oguchi, M. E., Okuyama, K., Homma, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2020) A comprehensive analysis of Rab GTPases reveals a role for Rab34 in serum starvation-induced primary ciliogenesis. J. Biol. Chem. 295, 12674-12685
  9. Homma, Y., Kinoshita, R., Kuchitsu, Y., Wawro, P. S., Marubashi, S., Oguchi, M. E., Ishida, M., Fujita, N. and Fukuda, M. (2019) Comprehensive knockout analysis of the Rab family GTPases in epithelial cells. J. Cell Biol. 218, 2035-2050
  10. Etoh, K. and Fukuda, M. (2019) Rab10 regulates tubular endosome formation through KIF13A and KIF13B motors. J. Cell Sci. 132, jcs226977
  11. Kuchitsu, Y., Homma, Y., Fujita, N. and Fukuda, M. (2018) Rab7 knockout unveils regulated autolysosome maturation induced by glutamine starvation. J. Cell Sci. 131, jcs215442
  12. Fujita, N., Huang, W., Lin, T.-H., Groulx, J.-F., Jean, S., Nguyen, J., Kuchitsu, Y., Koyama-Honda, I., Mizushima, N., Fukuda, M. and Kiger, A. A. (2017) Genetic screen in Drosophila muscle identifies autophagy-mediated T-tubule remodeling and a Rab2 role in autophagy. eLife 6, e23367
  13. Homma, Y. and Fukuda, M. (2016) Rabin8 regulates neurite outgrowth in both GEF-activity-dependent and -independent manners. Mol. Biol. Cell 27, 2107-2118
  14. Mrozowska, P. S. and Fukuda, M. (2016) Regulation of podocalyxin trafficking by Rab small GTPases in 2D and 3D epithelial cell cultures. J. Cell Biol. 213, 355-369
  15. Marubashi, S., Shimada, H., Fukuda, M. & Ohbayashi, N. (2016) RUTBC1 functions as a GTPase-activating protein for Rab32/38 and regulates melanogenic enzyme trafficking in melanocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 291, 1427-1440
  16. Hirano, S., Uemura, T., Annoh, H., Fujita, N., Waguri, S., Itoh, T. & Fukuda, M. (2016) Differing susceptibility to autophagic degradation activity of two LC3-binding proteins: SQSTM1/p62 and TBC1D25/OATL1. Autophagy 12, 312-326
  17. Aizawa, M. & Fukuda, M. (2015) Small GTPase Rab2B and its specific binding protein Golgi-associated Rab2B interactor-like 4 (GARI-L4) regulate Golgi morphology. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 22250-22261
  18. Etoh, K. &  Fukuda, M. (2015) Structure-function analyses of the small GTPase Rab35 and its efffector protein centaurin-β2/ACAP2 during neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 9064-9074
  19. Yatsu, A., Shimada, H., Ohbayashi, N. & Fukuda, M. (2015) Rab40C is a novel Varp-binding protein that promotes proteasomal degradation of Varp in melanocytes. Biol. Open  4, 267-275
  20. Ishida, M., Ohbayashi, N. & Fukuda, M. (2015) Rab1A regulates anterograde melanosome transport by recruiting kinesin-1 to melanosomes through interaction with SKIP. Sci. Rep. 5, 8238
  21. Yasuda, T. & Fukuda, M. (2014) Slp2-a controls renal epithelial cell size through regulation of Rap–ezrin signaling independently of Rab27. J. Cell Sci.127, 557-570
  22. Matsui, T. & Fukuda, M. (2013) Rab12 regulates mTORC1 activity and autophagy through controlling the degradation of amino-acid transporter PAT4. EMBO Rep.
    14, 450-457 
  23. Yatsu, A., Ohbayashi, N., Tamura, K. & Fukuda, M. (2013) Syntaxin-3 is required for melanosomal localization of Tyrp1 in melanocytes. J. Invest. Dermatol. 133, 2237-2246 
  24. Kobayashi, H. & Fukuda, M. (2013) Rab35 establishes the EHD1-association site by coordinating two distinct effectors during neurite outgrowth. J. Cell Sci. 126, 2424-2435
  25. Yasuda, T., Saegusa, C., Kamakura, S., Sumimoto, H. & Fukuda, M. (2012) Rab27 effector Slp2-a transports the apical signaling molecule podocalyxin to the apical surface of MDCK II cells and regulates claudin-2 expression. Mol. Biol. Cell 23, 3229-3239
  26. Ishida, M., Ohbayashi, N., Maruta, Y., Ebata, Y. & Fukuda, M. (2012) Functional involvement of Rab1A in microtubule-dependent anterograde melanosome transport in melanocytes. J. Cell Sci. 125, 5177-5187 
  27. Kobayashi, H. & Fukuda, M. (2012) Rab35 regulates Arf6 activity through centaurin-β2 (ACAP2) during neurite outgrowth. J. Cell Sci. 125, 2235-2243
  28. Ohbayashi, N., Maruta, Y., Ishida, M. & Fukuda, M. (2012) Melanoregulin regulates retrograde melanosome transport through interaction with the RILP-p150Glued complex in melanocytes. J. Cell Sci. 125, 1508-1518
  29. Mori, Y., Matsui, T., Furutani, Y., Yoshihara, Y. & Fukuda, M. (2012) Small GTPase Rab17 regulates dendritic morphogenesis and postsynaptic development of ippocampal neurons. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 8963-8973
  30. Matsui, T., Itoh, T. & Fukuda, M. (2011) Small GTPase Rab12 regulates constitutive degradation of transferrin receptor. Traffic 12, 1432-1443 
  31. Itoh, T., Kanno, E., Uemura, T., Waguri, S. & Fukuda, M. (2011) OATL1, a novel autophagosome-resident Rab33B-GAP, regulates autophagosomal maturation. J. Cell Biol. 192, 839-853  
  32. Tamura, K., Ohbayashi, N., Ishibashi, K. & Fukuda, M. (2011) Structure-function analysis of VPS9-ankyrin-repeat protein (Varp) in the trafficking of tyrosinase-related protein 1 in melanocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 7507-7521 
  33. Kanno, E., Ishibashi, K., Kobayashi, H., Matsui, T., Ohbayashi, N. & Fukuda, M. (2010) Comprehensive screening for novel Rab-binding proteins by GST pull-down assay using 60 different mammalian Rabs. Traffic 11, 491-507 
  34. Tamura, K., Ohbayashi, N., Maruta, Y., Kanno, E., Itoh, T. & Fukuda, M. (2009) Varp is a novel Rab32/38-binding protein that regulates Tyrp1 trafficking in melanocytes. Mol. Biol. Cell 20, 2900-2908 
  35. Fukuda, M., Kanno, E., Ishibashi, K. & Itoh, T. (2008) Large scale screening for novel Rab effectors reveals unexpected broad Rab binding specificity. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 7, 1031-1042 
  36. Itoh, T., Fujita, N., Kanno, E., Yamamoto, A., Yoshimori, T. & Fukuda, M. (2008) Golgi-resident small GTPase Rab33B interacts with Atg16L and modulates autophagosome formation. Mol. Biol. Cell 19, 2916-2925 
  37. Yu, E., Kanno, E., Choi, S., Sugimori, M., Moreira, J. E., Llinas, R. R. & Fukuda, M. (2008) Role of Rab27 in synaptic transmission at the squid giant synapse. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 16003-16008

他の文献に関しては http://www.ac.cyberhome.ne.jp/~fukuda/top_page.htm を参照して下さい。






 私達の体は何十兆個もの細胞により成り立っており、細胞は生命の基本単位と考えられています。細胞内にはオルガネラと呼ばれる膜で包まれた細胞内小器官が多数存在しています。これらのオルガネラは独自の機能を持ちますが決して独立した存在ではなく、膜で包まれた小胞の輸送(膜輸送)を介して頻繁に情報交換を行っています。適切な膜交通が損なわれるとヒトは様々な病気を発症するため、膜輸送の分子メカニズムの解明は生物学・医科学における重要な研究課題の一つです。膜輸送を円滑に行うためには「交通整理人」の存在が重要で、私達の研究室ではRab(ラブ)と呼ばれる交通整理人役の蛋白質に着目し、最新の技術を駆使して膜輸送の分子メカニズムを解明することを目指しています。 細胞内では様々な「膜輸送」が行われていますが、私達の研究分野では、神経伝達物質の放出など神経細胞に特異的に見られる膜輸送現象、オートファジー(自食)、さらにはメラノサイトに特異的に見られるメラノソーム(メラニン色素含有小胞)の輸送に興味を持ち、その分子メカニズムの解明に取り組んでいます。

