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キャンパス | 青葉山 キャンパス |
所属研究室 |
連絡先 | 022-795-6669 | |
経歴 |
2015年3月 名古屋大学理学部卒
2019年3月 名古屋大学大学院博士後期課程修了(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2) 2019年4月-2020年9月 日本学術振興会特別研究員(名古屋大学) 2020年10月- 現職 |
著書・論文 |
Kurihara D., Kimata Y., Higashiyama T., Ueda M. (2017) Live-cell imaging of zygote polarization and embryo patterning of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Visualized Experients (JoVE). 11 (127).
Ueda M., Kimata Y., Kurihara D. (2020) Live-cell imaging of zygotic intracellular structures and early embryo pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2122, 37-47.
Kimata Y., Higaki T., Kawashima T., Kurihara D., Sato Y., Yamada T., Hasezawa S., Berger F., Higashiyama T., Ueda M. (2016) Cytoskeleton dynamics control the first asymmetric cell division in Arabidopsis zygote. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 113, 14157-14162.
Kimata Y., Kato T., Higaki T., Kurihara D., Yamada T., Segami S., Morita M. T., Maeshima M., Hasezawa S., Higashiyama T., Tasaka M., Ueda M. (2019) Polar vacuolar distribution is essential for accurate asymmetric division of Arabidopsis zygotes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 116 (6), 2338-2343.
Kimata Y., Higaki T., Kurihara D., Ando N., Matsumoto H., Higashiyama T., Ueda M. Mitochondrial dynamics and segregation during the asymmetric division of Arabidopsis zygotes. Quantitative Plant Biology. in press
Kimata Y., Ueda M. (2020) Intracellular dynamics and transcriptional regulations in plant zygotes: a case study of Arabidopsis. Plant Reproduction. 33, 89-96.
Nambo M., Kurihara D., Yamada T., Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T., Kadofusa N., Kimata Y., Kuwata K., Umeda M., Ueda M. (2016) Combination of synthetic chemistry and live-cell imaging identified a rapid cell division inhibitor in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell & Physiology. 57, 2255-2268.
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