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- Kato H*, Su L*, Tanaka A, Katsu H, Ohtsubo Y, Otsuka S, Senoo K, Nagata Y. *: These authors contributed equally to this work. 2022. Genome evolution related to γ-hexachlorocyclohexane metabolic function in the soil microbial population. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry https://doi.org/10.1093/bbb/zbac042.
- Masaki Y, Iizuka R, Kato H, Kojima Y, Ogawa T, Yoshida M, Matsushita Y, Katayama Y. 2021. Fungal carbonyl sulfide hydrolase of Trichoderma harzianum strain THIF08 and its relationship with clade D β-carbonic anhydrases. Microbes and Environments 36: ME20058.
- Kawamoto Y, Kato H, Nagata Y, Urabe J. 2021. Microbial communities developing within bulk sediments under fish carcasses on a tidal flat. PLOS ONE 16: e0247220.
- Inaba S, Sakai H, Kato H, Horiuchi T, Yano H, Ohtsubo Y, Tsuda M, Nagata Y. 2020. Expression of an alcohol dehydrogenase gene in a heterotrophic bacterium induces carbon dioxide-dependent high-yield growth under oligotrophic conditions. Microbiology (Reading, England) 166: 531-545.
- Kato H, Ogawa T, Ohta H, Katayama Y. 2020. Enumeration of chemoorganotrophic carbonyl sulfide (COS)-degrading microorganisms by the most probable number method. Microbes and environments, 35: ME19139.
- Ogawa N, Kato H, Kishida K, Ichihashi E, Ishige T, Yoshikawa H, Nagata Y, Ohtsubo Y, Tsuda M. 2019. Suppression of substrate inhibition in phenanthrene-degrading Mycobacterium by co-cultivation with a non-degrading Burkholderia strain. Microbiology 165: 625–637.
- Ogawa T, Hattori S, Kamezaki K, Kato H, Yoshida N, Katauama Y. 2017. Isotopic Fractionation of Sulfur in Carbonyl Sulfide by Carbonyl Sulfide Hydrolase of Thiobacillus thioparus THI115. Microbes and Environments 32: 367-375.
- Kato H.*, Mori H.*, Maruyama F., Toyoda A., Oshima K., Endo R., Fuchu G., Miyakoshi M., Dozono A., Ohtsubo Y., Nagata Y., Hattori M., Fujiyama A., Kurokawa K., and Tsuda M. *: These authors contributed equally to this work. 2015. Time-series metagenomic analysis reveals robustness of soil microbiome against chemical disturbance. DNA Research 22: 413-424.
- Kato H, Ogawa N, Ohtsubo Y, Oshima K, Toyoda A, Mori H, Nagata Y, Kurokawa K, Hattori M, Fujiyama A, Tsuda M. 2015. Complete genome sequence of a phenanthrene degrader, Mycobacterium sp. strain EPa45 (NBRC 110737), isolated from a phenanthrene-degrading consortium. Genome Announcement 3: e00782-00715.
- Mori H*, Maruyama F*, Kato H*, Toyoda A, Dozono A, Ohtsubo Y, Nagata Y, Fujiyama A, Tsuda M, Kurokawa K. 2014. Design and experimental application of a novel non-degenerate universal primer set that amplifies prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes with a low possibility to amplify eukaryotic rRNA genes. DNA research 21: 217-227.
- Kato H, Igarashi Y, Dokiya Y, Katayama Y. (2012). Vertical distribution of carbonyl sulfide at Mt. Fuji, Japan. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223(1), 159-167.
- Kato H, Saito M, Nagahata Y, Katayama Y. 2008. Degradation of ambient carbonyl sulfide by Mycobacterium spp. in soil. Microbiology 154(1), 249-255.