2024年9月修了・2025年3月修了 のどちらも 年間スケジュール へ掲載済みです。
The main schedule is shown in the annual schedule.
- 修士論文提出等手続・Master's Thesis Submission and Other Procedures
- 博士論文提出等手続・Ph.D. Dissertation submission and other procedures
- 修了者発表・Announcement of graduates 3月5日17時掲載予定
- 博士課程後期3年の課程2025年4月進学 出願手続き・About the Procedures of Applying for Advancing to the Doctoral Course in April 2025 11月1日掲載
- 2025年4月進学者発表・The results are expected to be announced 3月6日掲載予定
/ Degree Conferral and Graduation Ceremony
/ For students who are completing their studies in March 2025, and for those who received their degrees between October 2024 and March 2025.
詳細は2月下旬ころ掲載します 。
/ The Degree Conferral and Graduation Ceremony is scheduled to be held on Tuesday,
March 25. Details will be announced by the last of February.
(The date of the ceremony and the details may be announced later than expected due to
the COVID-19).
*注意 会場の場所がいつもと異なります。/ Note: The location of the venue is different from usual this time.
・学位記伝達式【生命】/Graduation Ceremony 【GSLS】
・学位記、修了証明書等の受領方法 / Regarding receiving diplomas due to changes in the format of the Graduation Ceremony